I received this e-mail from a colleague with Southern Living at HOME. Besides that I just like sayings, words of wisdom, what have you, this was especially timely for me in more ways than one.
Are you afraid to try or are you afraid to fail?
A well-lived life is not for the timid. The world was never meant to be approached with extra caution and fear of making mistakes. Kids know that you have to jump in feet first and be willing to take some lumps on the head if you're going to have any fun. When did we stop trying new things? Why did we stop taking risks? In large part, we're afraid of messing up. We've settled into our comfort zones and don't want to look like a fool to ourselves or others. What's the price we pay for our pursuit of perfection? No growth, no sense of discovery, few real experiences. The sacrifice isn't worth it. Are there points in your life that you wish you could have back because you didn't pursue an idea or a new interest? Those chances are gone forever - but you'll have more in the future to take full advantage of. It's been said that most people don't learn much that's new past their 20s. That's an awful long time to stay stagnant. The only mistake you should be afraid to make is not trying.
12th National Black Land Loss Summit
Save the date: April 8-9, 2011!
12th National Black Land Loss Summit
Theme: Still Fighting, Still Farming and Still Eating
Historic Sites of Tillery Commu...
13 years ago
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